General Information
Location Upper northeast corner of South America. Border north: The Caribbean Sea. East: Atlantic Ocean and the Republic of Guyana. South: Brazil. West: Colombia. Dimensiones Area: 916.445 km2 = 353.344 Mi2. Coast: 2.823 km.= 1.274 Mi. Political División Caracass Capital. 23 States. 1 Federal District. 72 island. Biogeography Caribbean Sea, Andes Mountains, Savannah, Amazonian-Orinoquia region, xerophitic, rain and cloudy forest. Diving Archipiélago Los Roques, Parque Nacional Mochima, Parque Nacional Morrocoy, Isla de Margarita. Windsurf Isla de Margarita, Isla de Coche Golf Caracas City: Junko Golf Club, Valle Arriba Golf Club, Lagunita Golf Club. Margarita Island: Hesperia Isla de Margarita Hotel. Puerto La Cruz: Mare-Mares Hotel Horse Back Riding Andean and Margarita Island Language Spanish is the official language. English is the mandatory second language in the school. Religión Roman Catholic is the official religion, but all major creeds are represented. Currency Exchange The monetary unit is the Bolívar. Symbol = Bs. Until august 2004 1.00 American dollar= Bs. 2150,00. The major credit cards and traveler checks are widely accepted. Time Difference London UK GTM and in general Central Europe: minus 5 hours. Japan: minus 11 hours. America: Pacific side: plus 1 hour. America Atlantic side: 0 hours. Visa Entry USA, Japanese Western Europe citizens only require a valid passport. <-Volver al Home |
CANDES TURISMO® - www.candesturismo.com Avenida Francisco de Miranda, Edificio Roraima, piso 3, oficina 3C. Campo Alegre - Caracas - Venezuela. P.O.Box / Apartado de Correos Nº 61142 Chacao 1060 Caracas. Phone: (58-212) 953.16.32 / 953.47.10 / 953.20.59 / 953.74.03 / 953.41.95 Fax: (58-212) 953.67.55 / 953.31.76 E-mail: info@candesturismo.com Design: Cograf |