The First Operator of Receptive Tourism in Venezuela
Candes Tourism is an organization that has been working for more than 35 years as the First Operator of Receptive Tourism in Venezuela, being the unique one that develops this kind of exclusive service through a multitude of operators and correspondents throughout the world. Richard Falsone, great connoisseur of the International Tourist Industry and pioneer of this type of tourism in Venezuela, was the creator of this company to which he dedicated great part of his life, working hard to promote the natural beauties of this land of grace, Venezuela. In Candes Tourism the high-priority is to offer a planned and integral service, that includes:
In Candes we are specialists in making the best quality Tourism Receptive, we work day to day to offer the best product selection and destinies in a very professional form, guaranteeing therefore the security and the efficiency in the service towards our clients. |
CANDES TURISMO® - www.candesturismo.com Avenida Francisco de Miranda, Edificio Roraima, piso 3, oficina 3C. Campo Alegre - Caracas - Venezuela. P.O.Box / Apartado de Correos Nº 61142 Chacao 1060 Caracas. Phone: (58-212) 953.16.32 / 953.47.10 / 953.20.59 / 953.74.03 / 953.41.95 Fax: (58-212) 953.67.55 / 953.31.76 E-mail: info@candesturismo.com Design: Cograf |